Well-being road trip

‘You cannot pour from an empty cup, so let us take care of ourselves to offer something to others’

NAFL-North celebrated a well-being road trip for the teachers with the Board of Governors and the TTA Team on September 22nd, 2022. The day’s activities were conducted by the Yoga, Dance, Art, and PE teachers. Group activities ranging from garbha dance moves to neon paintings, were enjoyable and a great learning experience. The time set apart for relaxation and rejuvenation served its true purpose, as emphasis was laid on everyone’s physical, mental, and social health. The teachers got a well-being goody bag packed with take aways to help them rejuvenate themselves.

The well- being road trip was a huge success, as each one was motivated to serve the greater purpose of changing lives and shaping the future generation that will Reach out, Reach high, Reach beyond.