School Picnic

The word “PICNIC” is enough to bring smiles on the cherubic faces of students who just want to get away from the confines of the classroom and run free with the wind in their hair.

On 2nd March, 2018 NAFL-NPS North organized a picnic for the students from pre-primary to Grade 8, to ‘Our Native Village’ Hesaragatta. The students screamed with delight when their picnic date was announced. This place gave them an experience of village life and traditional culture.

It was a pleasure to see students playing in gay abandon after tucking into the yummy preparations. Equally important, it was heartening to see youngsters picking up wrappers and throwing them into dustbins, leaving the place clean and tidy.

While some students raced each other, some played Anthakshari and some danced to groovy music. The highlight of the day was pottery and bullock cart rides, which the children thoroughly enjoyed.

Picnics are indeed a source of recreation to the mind and body and they instill the principles of sharing, teamwork, social interaction, regulation and discipline among students. Everyone returned back to school, tired but joyous at the end of the day.